Climate Action Group Overviews
Almost all of the world’s faith traditions hold sacred humanity’s relationship with creation. Scriptures urge us to care for nature, to see God’s grandeur and presence in creation, and to be thankful for the bounty God has given us. This forum will begin with presentations from Buddhist, Catholic, and Native American faith traditions, sharing why and how their faith calls them to care for creation; brief overviews of climate action work from area environmental groups; and small group discussions about how we can become more involved or deepen the climate action work of through our faiths or individually.
Steve Melton, Kansas City Citizens Climate Lobby,
Makenna Nickens, Missouri Coalition for the Environment,
Karen Ramsey, KC Can Compost,
Jim McGraw, Bridging the Gap,
Katie White, Climate Council,
For more information about the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council go to:
Thanks to the Climate Council of Greater Kansas City for organizing the 2024 Earth Festival: