As a diverse organization, the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council knows our community is experiencing a wide range of emotions in response to the heinous attacks on Israel and the assaults on Gaza that have followed. The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council grieves the loss of life in Israel and Palestine, we each pray in our own way, individually and collectively, for those held hostage, injured, and killed.
Chair of the Council, Alan Edelman says, “Is it possible for two people to share one piece of territory that is sacred to both of them?” Edelman described himself as a member of the peace movement. “In the peace camp, we like to say that the Palestinians (need to) understand that after 2,000 years of homelessness and a good deal of persecution, the Jewish people are entitled to return to their homeland.” But then he added: “And the Israelis have to understand that when they got a homeland, the Palestinians lost theirs.”
The faiths represented by the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council call upon us to value human life, to show compassion for people on all sides of conflict. We recognize these acts of violence are part of cycles of violence, which have been perpetuated for centuries. These cycles create trauma on all sides that can cause parties to dehumanize the other. They also represent a way of thinking that will ensure the bloody cycles will continue.
To advocate for liberation and human rights for Palestinian people is not to justify the acts of terror against Israeli civilians. To advocate for a free Palestine does not equate to supporting Hamas. It also does not negate the devastation to the Israeli communities.
These are human lives caught in a legacy of oppression and violence. We believe that Israelis have the right to safety and security. We also believe that Palestinians have this same right. The deeper truth is that we are all part of one interdependent human family that must learn to live together.
We urge Hamas leaders to release the hostages they have taken, reject violence and work with the international community and Israel to address grievances.
We urge Israel to recognize that seeking to free hostages and retaliating in ways that will result in devastating Gaza Palestinian civilian deaths and suffering will create a humanitarian crisis and ultimately not result in greater safety or security for Israel.
The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council believes that to be devastated by the brutal killing of loved ones never justifies the killing of others. We believe a path to peace is possible. Though the trauma and pain resulting from violence and human suffering often triggers more violence, other more constructive responses are possible. Our faiths teach us to seek the light in times of darkness and that even the longest journey begins with a single step.