The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council’s Speakers Bureau is dedicated to building relationships within our community as part of the Council’s mission of growing a sustainable, pervasive culture of knowledge, respect, appreciation and trust amongst people of all faiths and religious traditions in the greater Kansas City metro area.

GKCIC speakers embrace the goals of the Council and are eager to share their knowledge of the Council’s work within the community as well as the principles of their personal understanding and experience of their faith traditions. Though fees are not required by the GKCIC, honorariums are very much appreciated, as are contributions to the community of faith the Speaker represents.

Many of our speakers are also available to visit hospice, hospitals and nursing home patients. Many are available to be called upon to facilitate prayer services, memorial services, and other ceremonies. Please feel free to explore our Council Directors for their photos and biographies for more comprehensive information about our individual Council Directors and their interfaith activities within our Greater Kansas City communities.

  • To develop deeper understanding within the community of each other’s faiths and traditions, and to foster appropriate bilateral and multilateral interfaith dialogue and interaction
  • To model spiritual and religious values, especially mutual respect and cooperation, in a society often intolerant of cultural and religious diversity
  • To develop and provide resources, networking, and programs for the community through the arts and education to increase appreciation for cultural and religious diversity
  • To work with educational, spiritual, and religious leaders and the media in promoting accurate and fair portrayal of the faiths within our community
  • To help the community become more aware of the spiritual values that can help resolve issues that occur in the environmental, social and personal realms of our lives

To arrange for a speaker, panel or other activities that can support your organization or event, please CONTACT US. We will also be happy to assist you in arranging an event that is customized for you and your audience, in order to support the greater Kansas City community in building the most welcoming community for all.