Ramadan, A Renewal Month

As I think of this article about Ramadan, my first thoughts are not positive ones because it brings memories of discrimination that I faced as a child while growing up. It was Ramadan 1972 in Willingboro, New Jersey. I was in the sixth grade, something happened that altered how I thought of myself. My cousins

World Labyrinth Day: May 1

World Labyrinth Day is celebrated every year on the first Saturday in May, which this year is May 1. The international event, begun by the World Labyrinth Society in 2009, is expected to attract around 5,000 participants visiting sites in some 35 countries. Most participants will “Walk as One at 1” by walking a labyrinth

100 Years of Interfaith in Kansas City

Join us online for "Ecumenical and Interfaith History in Greater Kansas City: Celebrating the Past and Envisioning the Future" February 21st, 2021 at 2pm CDT In honor of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, join us for a celebratory and retrospective look at the history of ecumenical and interfaith work in Greater Kansas City over the past 100 years. 


Two weeks into “stay at home” orders in Kansas City, and I was adjusting to homeschooling. I looked forward to literature days. I could help with that easily. My daughter handed me a poem, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” by Langston Hughes. Her class was having a lesson in allusion. I had never heard of

Faith Throughout a Pandemic

If you knew Steve Jeffers, you know why I wish we could hear his voice as COVID-19 disturbs the world. Readers unfamiliar with him will want to know that each year the Council presents an award named for him. The Rev. Steven L. Jeffers, PhD, founded and directed the Institute for Spirituality in Health at

Faiths’ Call for Climate Action

Recognizing that climate change is a threat to the existence of all of humanity and that it requires immediate action from people of all faiths, the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council organized a Virtual Forum titled, “Faiths’ Call for Climate Action,”which took place the week before Earth Day on April 16th. We chose to hold

Palestinian American Medical Association Partners with GKCIC in Health Effort

It is hard to think of a time in world history when health partnerships were more important than they are today. That is why GKCIC leadership accepted immediately and enthusiastically the invitation to participate in this year’s dinner on behalf of (PAMA) the Palestinian American Medical Association. The dinner was held Saturday evening, February 29th

Standing with the Jersey City Community and Countering Anti-Semitism

#Repost The Parliament of the World’s Religions unequivocally condemns the anti-Semitic attack carried out in Jersey City, New Jersey on Tuesday. December 10. The monstrous attack on a Kosher Deli in Jersey City resulted in the deaths of 4 victims, including one police officer. The Parliament stands with the global Jewish community, the Jersey City

Global Ethic Initiative

Towards a Global Ethic: Initial Declaration, also known as the Global Ethic, expresses a shared set of core values found in the teachings of the world's religious, spiritual, and ethical traditions. The Global Ethic, mostly drafted by Professor Hans Küng in consultation with several hundred leaders and scholars, became an official declaration of the Parliament of the World's Religions in 1993.

Appreciating the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council

David E. Nelson D.Min., Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council Community Advisor I have always been interested in world religions. As a little boy I explored books in the library and on my father’s book shelf. In high school, one of my favorite courses was “Great Books” which was a study of world religions.

Deep Appreciation for Our Sponsors

Interfaith cooperation is the key to transforming this religiously diverse society into a more just, kind, and pluralistic nation, and world. It’s why we are so passionate about the work we do, and why we are so grateful to those who support us financially through their sponsorship for our Table of Faiths event. Interfaith leaders

Congratulations to this year’s awardees!

Each year the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council gives two awards to acknowledge an individual and an organization in the greater Kansas City area demonstrating the values we hold so dearly - building the most welcoming community for all. These awards are: The Steve Jeffers Leadership Service Award is named in honor of the late

Parliament of the World’s Religions Brings Diversity Together

The Parliament's website says, “Welcome to the Oldest, Largest and Most Inclusive Convening Organization of the Global Interfaith Movement” – and it’s not just boasting. If you believe in the interfaith movement and you enjoy meeting people from all religions and countries, the Parliament of the World’s Religions is a “bucket-list” event. Each Parliament is

Balancing the Heart

Today’s Western psyche can be unaware that deep in the heart of Christianity rests a way handed down from ancient times by those seeking the Divine. Monasticism is the Christian’s way of making a total offering of his or her life to God. For the Eastern Orthodox Church, monasticism is at the heart of its

Sikh American Story Airs on CNN May 6th

The Sikh Coalition is excited to announce that CNN’s Emmy Award-winning United Shades of America with W. Kamau Bell will feature the first-ever hour-long cable episode exclusively focusing on the Sikh American community. The episode is scheduled to air on Sunday, May 6th at 10 pm ET/PT. W. Kamau Bell interviews Sikh Coalition co-founder, Harpreet

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