Christopher Chapple of Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, October 30 at Unity Temple on the Plaza. Swami Chetanananda, spiritual director of the Vedanta Society introduced the talk. This was the sixth Arjun Kumar Sharma Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the AUM Foundation. Classical Indian musicians and a reception were included.
Dr Chapple’s training, teaching, and writing have involved him in many religious traditions, including various Christian faiths, classical Yoga, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, and Jainism. He says that the concern of ahimsa – non-violence, is what links them all. His own special research has led him to ask what are the implications of each faith’s worldview. His talk focused on
meditation in the Yogic, Buddhist, Christian Contemplative, and Quaker silence traditions.
On Saturday morning, October 31, at 10:30, Dr Chapple and Swami Chetanananda spoke on “Nondualism and the Descent of Consciousness.”