During the United Nations declared World Interfaith Harmony Week, the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council will sponsor the first Greater Kansas City Interfaith Film Festival, with premier events at the Truman Forum of the Plaza Branch Library, and subsidiary events around the city. All events are free and open to the public.

Please check the details below for information about film titles and locations for each day of our week long film festival.

Thursday, Feb 1, 2018
Plaza Library, Truman Forum
6:00 pm popcorn/6:30 pm program
“Sacred Journeys”
Travel with pilgrims through exotic locales in search of God

Friday, Feb 2, 2018
Plaza Library, Truman Forum
6:00 pm popcorn/6:30 pm program
“The Secret of Kells”
Watch an internationally-acclaimed, award-winning animated file, learn an Irish dance and delight in themed coloring books. A sensory delight for children of all ages and their families

Saturday, Feb 3, 2018
Rime Buddhist Center
6:30 pm program
“Travelers and Magicians”
Two men, two women, two journeys are woven into an intricate tapestry of desires as it takes us on an adventurous emotional tour through the heartland of Bhutanese Buddhist culture. It is a mystical fable of lust, jealousy and murder, that holds up a mirror to the restless character of Dondup, and his blossoming attraction to the innocent character of Sonam. The cataclysmic conclusion of the monk’s tale leaves Dondup with a dilemma–is the grass truly greener on the other side?

Sunday, Feb 4, 2018
Johnson County Central Library, OPKS
1:30 – 4:30 pm
“Light to the World” and “Changing the World One Wall at a Time”
Baha’i Faith Community is showing these two short films with Appreciative Inquiry group discussions and refreshments to follow.

Monday, Feb 5, 2018
LDS Church, 6751 NE 70th, KCMO 64119 (next to Temple)
7:00pm program
“Meet the Mormons”
This is a 2014 American documentary film. It documents the lives of six devout Mormons living in the United States, Costa Rica, and Nepal. The LDS Church donated all net proceeds from the theatrical release of the film to the American Red Cross. The film is “not a proselytizing effort but informative” and is an “opportunity to share who Mormons really are”.

Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018
Plaza Library, Truman Forum
6:00 pm Popcorn/6:30 pm program
“Awake: The Life of Yogananda”
This is an unconventional biography about the Hindu Swami who brought yoga and meditation to the West in the 1920s. Paramahansa Yogananda authored the spiritual classic “Autobiography of a Yogi,” which has sold millions of copies worldwide and is a go-to book for seekers, philosophers and yoga enthusiasts today.

Wed, Feb 7, 2018
8:00pm, All Souls UU Church, KCMO
Two short films: Oneness and Pope Francis’ TED Talk about the future. Reception and open discussion, to conclude the week-long festival.