For Immediate Release
November 1, 2022
P.O. Box 9117, Mission, Kansas 6620

Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council Stands
in Solidarity with Dialogue Institute

(Kansas City, MO) The Interfaith Council is deeply saddened and concerned about the recent attack of the Dialogue Institute of Kansas City’s office and community center. The building was broken into, vandalized, and defaced with hateful language and symbols.

DIKC grew out of the need to address the question, “How can citizens of the world live in peace and harmony?” Through their work, they have demonstrated we are stronger when we stand together and seek to understand others. The Institute and its members are examples of hospitality and inclusiveness that all people should seek to emulate.

The Institute aims to promote mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation among people of diverse faiths and cultures in the Greater Kansas City area, by creating opportunities for meaningful shared experiences. The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council has enjoyed a long and meaningful relationship with them. We fully support their work and will continue to do so.

“I am saddened at the vandalism that took place at the Dialogue Institute,” said Cindy McDavitt, Chair of the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council. “Our friends at the Institute are known for their loving outreach in the community, devoting their time and resources to building friendships with people of all walks of life. I feel privileged to call them friends, and I pray for their safety and recovery from this incident.”
The Interfaith Council endorses the statement released by the Dialogue Institute, which reads:

“We strongly condemn the vandalism against our community. Regardless of the perpetrators’ motivations, the use of Nazi symbolism is intended to cause conflict, and sow seeds of hate and mistrust in this country. The vandals want to create fear and instability for a group that works hard to foster tolerance and interfaith dialogue in Kansas City. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our friends and partners in condemning this behavior in our inclusive community here in Kansas City.”

We want to remind everyone that the rich diversity of culture and religions present in our community enhances our lives. Join with us in holding a vision of a peaceful and loving world – a world where we can speak with one voice for respect for all life, a world with a narrative of inclusivity and compassion. We pledge to stand with the Dialogue Institute and to continue as partners in cultivating and modeling the values of openness, diversity, and tolerance.

The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization comprised of Faith Directors and At-Large Directors who belong to 25 distinct faith traditions and philosophies represented in the Kansas City Metro community. The Council strives to provide engaging and educational programs about the many diverse faiths and traditions represented in Greater Kansas City by joining religion, spirit and community.
Vision: Building the most welcoming community for all people.
Mission: Engaging Community. Celebrating Diversity. Creating Harmony. Embracing the Sacred.

Thursday, November 10, 7-8:30pm
Church of the Resurrection, Wesley Chapel, 13720 Roe Ave, Leawood, KS.