The climate crisis is a threat to people of all faiths and each of our faiths call upon us to take action. Panel members, representing diverse faith traditions, will speak to their faiths’ theology that demands climate action, describe concrete work they are doing within their congregations and in society to help reverse climate change, and/or provide suggestions for faith-based action that groups or individuals can take.



April 23, Saturday • 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Unity Temple on the Plaza



  • Danelle Crawford McKinney is an enrolled member of the Sisseton-Wahpteon Dakota Oyate. While raised in the Protestant Reformed Tradition, Danelle has been actively learning her traditional culture and medicines over the last 15 years. Danelle has been active in bringing awareness to issues such as the work of the Water Protectors, an indigenous group that have been battling along the areas of oil pipeline. Danelle also works at Haskell Indian Nations University as the Student Rights Specialist and works with students for advocacy and awareness.
  • Keith Mundy is a member of the ELCA Central States Synod Lutherans Restoring Creation Leadership Team which serves Kansas and Missouri as part of a grassroots movement to address caring for creation, environmental issues/justice and climate solutions by fostering awareness, common understanding, education, action and advocacy.
  • Bakhtavar “Becca” Desai is a Zoroastrian faith leader from Ohio (who will be participating virtually). She leads workshops and presentations on Zoroastrianism & Ecology and heads up the Education and Lifestyles working group for Faith Communities Go Green, an organization working for a more sustainable and equitable future by mobilizing moral voices to reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change.
  • Ken Sonnenschein is the founder and current chair of Mitzvah Garden KC (MGKC) whose vision is to cultivate an inclusive farm sanctuary that nourishes body, soul, and land. MGKC started as a 640 square foot garden in 2000 and has grown to be a 64,000 square foot farm. The project strives to uphold Jewish values, provide healthy food for those less fortunate by sustainably growing organic produce, collecting rainwater and using solar energy.They have worked over 20 years to develop a sustainable and educational program for all ages.
  • Jerry Rees has been involved in faith-based Justice, Peace, and Environmental education and actions at Village Presbyterian Church for 25 plus years. He is chair of the church’s Environmental Action Committee (EAC) and has been active in the Sustainable Sanctuary Coalition and Earthkeepers of Heartland Presbytery. EAC activities include ongoing recycling, climate change and environmental education, retrofitting Church buildings with solar panels and conservation devices, hosting Electric Car Expos, promoting more earth-friendly, plant-based, low-carbon diets and more.
  • Bennette Seaman is the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council secretary and chair of its Environment and Social Justice Committee (the committee organizing this program). She is the Public Relations Officer for the Church of Scientology of Kansas City and routinely works with churches and non-profits. She organizes and participates regularly in events from disaster response work to forwarding the message of human rights.

The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, organizer of this forum, works to create deeper interfaith understanding within our community and to foster interfaith dialogue and interaction. Its goals include helping the community become more aware of the spiritual values that can help resolve issues that occur in the environmental, social and personal realms of our lives.