The festival of Vesak is one of the most important holidays celebrated by Buddhists all over the world. Known as Vesak in the Theravada Buddhist tradition or Saga Dawa, in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It is celebrated on the full moon in the month of Vesakha which occurs during the spring months in the western calendar. This year’s festival of Vesak will be on Wednesday, May 26th.
The festival of Vesak commemorates the Buddha’s birth in Lumbini, the enlightenment of the Buddha at Bodhgaya, and the anniversary of the Buddha’s parinirvana (passing away) in Kushinagara. Some Buddhist traditions also commemorate the Buddha’s enlightenment during Bodhi Day. This year’s Bodhi Day is December 8th.
In Tibet, Saga Dawa is known as the month of merits. Tibetan Buddhists believe that during this month, the merits of one’s actions are multiplied. On the 15th day of the month, the merits of one’s actions are exponentially increased.
Buddhists from all traditions celebrate Vesak by focusing on performing meritorious actions during the day. Many Buddhist will go to their local temples to make offerings, such as incense, flowers, food, or money. Buddhist will also attend Dharma teachings or will attend devotional ceremonies focused on the Buddha’s life and his historical deeds. Tibetan Buddhists will often hang traditional prayer flags from balconies or trees. You will also find Buddhists making circumambulations or processions around temples, monasteries, shrines, or other sacred sites.
The festival of Vesak is not just a historical commemoration of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana, it is a reminder of the necessity, and opportunity, for each person to achieve their own enlightenment. This year with COVID restrictions still in place, you will find many of the celebrations and events online. You can find out more about the Rime Buddhist Center’s Saga Dawa event online.