What is a Friend of the Council
You can become a “Friend of the Interfaith Council” by supporting the Council’s mission and goals in one of 3 ways:
- Make a financial contribution.
- Volunteer your time by assisting with programs or administration.
- Or do both – make a donation and volunteer!
Together we can inspire Greater Kansas City to become the most welcoming community for all people.
What is a Partner
Partners are organizations with whom the Interfaith Council collaborates. The Council may seek organizations with whom to partner on programs. Other organizations may seek the Council’s sponsorship or assistance with a program or initiative. These are the organizations with whom the Council has partnered with in the last few years:
Alliance of Divine Love – Heartland Chapter
Climate Council of Greater Kansas City
Hindu Temple and Cultural Center
Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City
Kansas City Interfaith Youth Alliance
The Interfaith Youth Alliance (IYA) is a collaborative program with various individuals who are interested in involving the youth of Kansas City in an interfaith movement. Inspired by Eboo Patel’s book The Acts of Faith, The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council and friends of the Council have been working to form an Interfaith Youth Alliance with the goal of bringing together youth from various faith traditions to educate about the diverse faiths within the Kansas City community. The IYA will come together monthly for service projects, social events to meet other youth with diverse backgrounds, and for hands-on interfaith learning experiences. For more information about the IYA, please visit www.kciya.org or call 913-548-2973.